
Showing posts from September, 2021

Maria Sanchez Reflection

College life can be hard, and even harder when doing group work with people that you do not even know. The presentations in class were pretty amazing and interesting in many ways. It is really interesting to see how groups of people that had never talked to each other, and did not know each other came together to accomplish a whole presentation. Every group had a great communication that they demonstrated when presenting in class. My group had to present chapter 10 and it was so fun to work with these people, everyone was really helpful and concentrated on completing our assignment on time.It was interesting to learn about group work, and learn all the ways that groups can come together to work peacefully and have amazing results, which was interesting because the groups demonstrated all of this information in each of their presentations. All the groups did a great job at explaining the information in their chapter, it was well dissected so it made it easier to understand and keep trac

Jazlynn Perez Reflection

 These PowerPoints were some of my favorite presentations ever. It truly showed a bunch of strangers coming together to get a job done, which is exactly what these presentations were about. I love how fast we all got used to each other and how helpful everyone was. I never felt alone. All my peers did so good in presenting their information and delivering the message so well. I truly learned so much about the importance of group work. I learned that leadership is a process where an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. I learned about maintenance roles such as supporters, interpreters, harmonizers, mediators, and tension relievers. I also learned about procedural roles such as logistic coordinators, expediters, gate keepers, and recorders. I learned about the five key shared leadership responsibilities: be committed to the group goal, keep discussion on track, complete individual assignments on time, encourage input from each member, and manage conflict

Roberto Moya Reflection

 This group presentation has done a great job feeding information with facts, ideas, and powerful slides with astonishing information. Everyone described everything that was on chapter 3, 9, 10 and dissected it very discreetly. Even though I believe that we should have done a better job describing and emphasizing how intercultural communication is very important to our community and the impact that it has on our daily lives. Different cultures communicating and working together to exceed the needs of a community for it to be successful is extremely important. Different cultures when working together is exciting to see what they can do when working as a team to surpass a goal. Sometimes, it may be difficult because when having different cultures working as a team it may be difficult at times because different cultures and different languages may be hard when trying to communicate when having conversations. Adding on, even when habitants of the same country are trying to have a conversat

Kevin Valdes Reflection

      I am glad that all of us in this class came together for this group presentation. I have to say that I do have my share of opinions for all of my classmates. These presentations tested us on how we communicate with each other and how we present our ideas. Nerves are a big part of how we act during our presentations and I feel that this class overcame that very nicely. Our professors do these activities in order to better our presentation and oral communication skills. We as a class and as our own part of groups come together to share ideas and to implement strategies to make our lives easier when we are assigned group tasks. I bet we can all appreciate the work that we did to make these presentations happen and I feel that I am a part of that.      College is a whole different ball game, it takes a lot of effort to get through and communication is a big part of it. We have classes like this to help us better ourselves. Many of us have our share of problems with nervousness, shyne

Liz Perurena's Reflection

I think the other groups presentations were cohesive and flowed really well. They were well organized and the transitions between the individual slides were good. They were enjoyable to look at and were very easy to engage with. The visuals that they used were fitting and eye catching; they went well with the subject that was being presented and with the themes being used for the slides. Before we started doing our presentations, I was really curious on how the other groups would do theirs. I do not generally enjoy working in groups because it can be a little awkward to rely on other people for your grade and vice versa. However, I did enjoy working together with my group and I did not feel uncomfortable or under too much pressure. Everyone in my group was very nice and they worked  hard on our presentation. I hope they enjoyed working with me just as much as I liked working with them. Visually, the slides of the two other groups looked nice and colorful. The videos that group one and

Kassandra's Chapter 10 Reviews

As we all worked together on this project, it was fun. We all worked as a group and got everything done. We divided the chapter into like twelve of us and worked together. As we put together a powerpoint with pictures, videos, information and very colorful. Everyones presentations were super nice. The class seemed to have worked good together and on their own. Some presentations lacked interactiveness but did not make a huge affect on there powerpoint. I enjoyed the presentations with videos because I like watching something better than listening so someone read off the slide. In fact, it did not let me insert videos but it did let me insert pictures and my information was short but straight to the point. To have been all our first presentation in collage came out extremely good in my opinion. Working together helped a lot and all the group chats that we all have keeps all communicating back and forth always. I felt as the presentation was helpful and beneficial for our learning and pr

John Rosales' Reflection

       The presentation was extremely beneficial to not only me but to everyone who participated in this project. Mainly because everyone had a taste of what it means to present to a large crowd of unknown people under pressure. Secondly, There were a lot of topics covered in a small amount of time but it was very well summarized and it got the point across in a timely manner. Lastly, I enjoyed explaining my part because it re-enforces what this project is all about, the different ways to express ourselves using speech techniques that help get out our message to the audience.        At first, meeting new people by force can be nerve-racking because of the feeling of not knowing what to expect, but this is all part of the learning experience we all suffer through at the beginning. Once I met my teammates I had a very exciting time getting to know my group better and working with them. Something I liked about my small group was that we helped each other with how to format our presentatio

Angel R.

Thoughts on Chapters 3, 9 & 10 Chapter 3 (intercultural communication) Review The group did a really good job to conveys this idea to us, with good slides, videos and short (but good) presentations, However I would have made more emphasis on how a good intercultural communication affects us, after all if we communicated better the chances to create a better and more develop world would be astonishing. But, of the presentation, what cliqued and what not? Intercultural communication is referred by Samovar, Porter & McDaniel as “the interactions that occur between people whose cultures are so different that communication between them is challenging” and although that statement is completely true, I differ in the sense that, at least from my personal viewpoint, all communication is a challenging act, not only the intercultural type of communication. You may ask “How would somebody that’s in the same culture as you don’t understand what you’re saying” and that’s quite easy and

Michelle Orozco Reflection

  All the presentations were executed very nicely, however there were a couple things that caught my eye. Most of those things being presentations that included videos and interesting topics. Not everyone is going to find every topic interesting but with the right video I feel it can lure the audience in and make a big difference. There were some presentations lacking things such as interactive Ness. Still this did not affect the way I analyzed each topic in the presentation. Though the presentations with things like videos and pictures did give me a greater understanding. One of my favorite presentations was the last lesson in Chapter 10. It was labeled Group Presentations and was from Group 3. It was about how teamwork is made up of individuals with different individualities and how working together brings new experiences to the table. The slides included few words and a short video explaining the importance of teamwork. What really got me interested was the video, instead of it bein

Rolando Rodriguez Fernandez

                 "None of us is as smart as all of us."  -- Ken Blanchard .                            It's incredible to see how individuals that have never met or have any history come together as a team. College life is hard as is and working together with a group of strangers is an even bigger task. In normal circumstance a class has time to interact with each other. The professor would sometimes have all the students stand and introduce themselves to the class. We all know that we dreaded doing that. All the nerves and speech impairments that you thought you never had suddenly come rushing out. Next thing you know, you are standing in the middle of class with a blank look not knowing what to say. The point of this exercises is to break the ice in the room. Professors do this for their benefit, but they also do it so other students can start to feel a little more comfortable in this new environment. Unfortunately, with how crazy our world is today, with the pandemic,

Jashua Rivero Reflection

     Working with a group is often very challenging in college. Nevertheless, learning to work well with others is important for anyone who plans on getting a career. One of the main things my group did well was working together. Our meetings and group chat were extremely productive, and every group member promptly completed their assigned sections. My group members and I were able to do a good presentation mostly because of how well we worked together. After being assigned the project, we immediately began dividing sections to one another and seeing who would do what section. When we first got assigned into groups, I did not know anybody and I was nervous and a little shy and I was scared people were not going to do their part of the project, but everything turned out well. Each of our group members did the project and we were assigned Chapter 10 we had to each read two or three sections and then summarize it into a PowerPoint with pictures and a few sentences or video's. I chose