Roberto Moya Reflection

 This group presentation has done a great job feeding information with facts, ideas, and powerful slides with astonishing information. Everyone described everything that was on chapter 3, 9, 10 and dissected it very discreetly. Even though I believe that we should have done a better job describing and emphasizing how intercultural communication is very important to our community and the impact that it has on our daily lives. Different cultures communicating and working together to exceed the needs of a community for it to be successful is extremely important. Different cultures when working together is exciting to see what they can do when working as a team to surpass a goal. Sometimes, it may be difficult because when having different cultures working as a team it may be difficult at times because different cultures and different languages may be hard when trying to communicate when having conversations. Adding on, even when habitants of the same country are trying to have a conversation but they are from a different location but in the same country when speaking they will most likely not comprehend each other because even though they are from the same country the location in the same country that they live in speak different words and talk different. That is crazy to me how people can be from the same country and not understand what one person is saying to another just because they are from a different city. In addition, for example I live in Miami and I have visited the state of Alabama that is a dozen hours away from my destination and when I visited they could barely understand me. They would even look at me funny and be racist when I would speak to them even though I was born in the United States of America just like them I am not a true American because the traditions that my city has is exposed to a crazy amount of cultures and country habits. Living in Florida I have caught on to these culture habits and they were not use to it to them it was hards to understand what I was saying and what I was trying to ask for. So when trying to communicate if this situation ever happens to be upon for you to come across try keeping it as short and compact as possible and straight to the point so the other person can understand what you may be trying to say. So the your point can be comprehended and understood.

When talking about leadership, it wasn’t described very detailed we just explained what the leadership was in a small sentence and what was the basic of it. When leadership is very important when you are dealing with a large group of people at a time. When a big group of people are trying to get a point across or accomplish something leadership takes a huge role when this comes to place. A leader needs to take charge so everything can be organized and it can be running smooth without any concussions or distractions or even confrontation with individuals when try to work as a group. Also leadership speaks highly of who you are as a person, if you are just a follower and follow what everyone is doing most of the time people are in the wrong and you will never be success nine out ten times when following other people. For example, two people may have the same thought or idea but may not know how to express to each other what one another is trying to say and what point they are trying to come across but this is when a leader takes charge and hears both parties and make them understand one another so that their is no confrontation. In my point a view no group or organization can be success without leadership because the leader is the head mind of the group and who leads and the other people in the right direction in order to be successful. One great situation was my Sophomore year in High School at Monsignor Edward Pace High School. I was a player on the team and their were two of my colleagues in my team that didn’t get along with one another and were

 constantly picking at one another just because they played the same position and they want to win each other out. The reason why being is because there is only one spot and there were two players that play the same position in the field. This was a huge problem because we were all teammates and we all have to work as a team and if we decided not to work as a team and focus on just ourselves we were never going to be successful and end up not winning the state title. So, I stepped in as a leader and sat they both down and explained to them that I understand that they both want to play and that there is only one spot on the field but all they have to do is work and let it be when the coach decides to write the lineup. And in the meanwhile we have to support one another and push each other to be better every single day as a team if not we will not end up winning what everyone wants and that what the state championship game. They both looked at me and said that they were both sorry and caught up on each other that they had forgotten about the team. This was an act of leadership taking place on my part. If I had not taken action this may have affected our team drastically and may have cost us the season because everyone will be focused on fighting with each other over a position that they would forget the objective that was beating the opponent in order to win the state championship game. To me leadership takes a huge part in our daily life’s and without leadership businesses neither teams will be successful


  1. Great leadership!! How did your team end up at the end of the season? Very good example and post! A


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