John Rosales' Reflection

       The presentation was extremely beneficial to not only me but to everyone who participated in this project. Mainly because everyone had a taste of what it means to present to a large crowd of unknown people under pressure. Secondly, There were a lot of topics covered in a small amount of time but it was very well summarized and it got the point across in a timely manner. Lastly, I enjoyed explaining my part because it re-enforces what this project is all about, the different ways to express ourselves using speech techniques that help get out our message to the audience.

       At first, meeting new people by force can be nerve-racking because of the feeling of not knowing what to expect, but this is all part of the learning experience we all suffer through at the beginning. Once I met my teammates I had a very exciting time getting to know my group better and working with them. Something I liked about my small group was that we helped each other with how to format our presentation. I like how we were communicative and understanding. Unfortunately for me, I had not gotten my book on time and one of my group helped me out kindly by sending pictures of my assigned pages for the section I needed to do so I would be able to complete my fair share of the work instead of waiting for the book to arrive. My group members took the initiative of making a WhatsApp group chat to keep in contact with each other for information such as due dates and concerns. Working with a group of people in any case scenario is complicated and challenging due to the many underlying factors such as problems faced during any said event. Even though meeting with people and planning is complicated, my group of students (group 3) had one goal in common and we all connected instantly to help each other with any problem we faced while creating presentations within the PowerPoint. We achieved this by setting up meetings and group chats for communication purposes, and every group member was able to complete their assigned topics without any doubts regarding the assignment. After being assigned the project, we immediately began dividing ourselves into different smaller groups. Initially, no one knew what to do, but our class leader took the responsibility of leadership and began breaking us into groups. Each of our group members was assigned different parts from Chapter 10 and each person had to read sections and then summarize them into a PowerPoint with pictures and a few sentences and or videos or graphs. 

       While people presented, I noticed everyone was very organized and had a lot of information to share and they executed it pretty well. My group members were also outstanding in terms of presentation and PowerPoint management. We were able to do a good presentation mostly because of how well we expressed our opinions and concerns together. On the day before the presentation, I checked my work multiple times to ensure that I was confident with what I was going to say and read. I also skimmed through my group’s work to make sure everything was correct and matched in the background pictures and colors because getting people’s attention is very important. I believe everyone learned a lot about each different presentation simply because we didn’t overflow people with a large amount of text but instead kept it simple and only spoke the necessary details, although videos are also a great way to explain information in a more organized way and visually see what was being explained which helps the reader’s mind comprehend the information better. Most importantly, I learned that when you present your information it needs to be done in a manner that isn’t boring to the audience which will ensure that the message gets across successfully. My group consisted mostly of definitions but people did pictures in our group along with some text to explain each picture.

       During my section of the PowerPoint presentation, I was assigned the Oral Format pages and my duty was to explain everything to the best of my ability using pictures and sentences to further explain what exactly is an Oral Format. My section was mostly on different formats in which we can convey verbal speeches in many different ways to properly perform problem-solving. I was excited to explain this part because it was going to benefit everyone in the future for their future projects such as this one when it comes to giving speeches to audiences. Presenting this project has taught me how to give a good presentation. This PowerPoint though was both difficult and interesting for the reasons of being assigned group members who again had no idea what to expect which makes it fun and interesting. There are skills here that people developed while writing this presentation, such as the ability to read information and summarize it properly to a decent level of understanding for the audience to also understand which is something that can be achieved only by being an audience member yourself since you now know what to look out for and what not to do. For example, talking too long or too much about a certain topic may bore your classmates or confuse them if you push out too much information that the human mind might have trouble remembering everything. These are all key factors to keep in mind when giving a presentation and I hope that after explaining what Oral formats mean, my classmates shall be able to further improve their presenting skills.

       Lastly, to summarize the presentation, I think it was very well done by the students and for the students. Everyone who participated had a lasting effect on how people present, whether it was on the organization or on the skills developed through presenting such as leadership and confidence. Next time we have another assignment similar to this I know everyone will give away a better presentation to present.


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