Maria Sanchez Reflection

College life can be hard, and even harder when doing group work with people that you do not even know. The presentations in class were pretty amazing and interesting in many ways. It is really interesting to see how groups of people that had never talked to each other, and did not know each other came together to accomplish a whole presentation. Every group had a great communication that they demonstrated when presenting in class. My group had to present chapter 10 and it was so fun to work with these people, everyone was really helpful and concentrated on completing our assignment on time.It was interesting to learn about group work, and learn all the ways that groups can come together to work peacefully and have amazing results, which was interesting because the groups demonstrated all of this information in each of their presentations. All the groups did a great job at explaining the information in their chapter, it was well dissected so it made it easier to understand and keep track of all the information. 

When this class started I was a little worried about presenting, because I am a shy person, and I was the type of person that did not like to work in groups a lot.Monday came and presentations started! Group 1 did an amazing job talking about intercultural communications. I personally found this topic interesting, because it is something that we experience every day, especially in this country that is a melting pot. I believe it is important to learn to communicate between different cultures since we live surrounded by different cultures. They explained everything really detailed, even though this a broad topic to talk about. This group also had a great combination between the written things that they had on the power point and the interesting videos they played, explaining every section of their chapter.

Then group 2 had their presentation, they talked about communicating in groups. Communication is key for any relationship that we have through our life. Communicating with the people around us is the most important part to create a healthy relationship, while understanding and respecting each other. Group 2 presented their information in engaging ways, they played a lot of videos that helped the class understand their topic, even though they presented in separate days, they managed to deliver all their information in a fun a clear way. I have always believed that communication  is really important between people, bu this group made an amazing job of reminding me how important it is to maintain a good and healthy communication with the people around us. 

Last, but not least came the time that my group had to present. We were supposed to present on a Wednesday, but our presentation was moved to the next Friday. I was so nervous to present that I thought this was great, because it was going to give me time to practice and look for even more information about my topic so I could do a great job like all the other groups did. Finally the day came, and I was still really nervous, but overall I think my group did an amazing job projecting all the information from chapter 10. I learned a lot of new stuff, such as the importance of leaders in a group, but also how important it is for leaders to closely work with their group to create an environment of peace and understanding among all. It was fascinating to see how important is to assign a role to every person that forms the group, and having things like maintenance roles, such as mediators, tension relievers, harmonizers, interpreters, and supporters. I believe that this maintenance roles work together with the five key shared leadership responsibilities for everything to run smoothly, since projects in groups can get overwhelming. Assigning a duty to every person in a group makes them feel included which helps with keeping peace between the group, and also making everyone feel equal and happy. 

After all the presentations were over, I was completely happy with the outcomes everyone showed in the presentations. Overall it was shown that everyone put their effort in having great presentations that clearly explained each topic that we were supposed to understand. I loved working with the people on my group, because they were all really understandable and helpful throughout all the process, and we gave our best into this presentation. Knowing that at the beginning of the class we were complete strangers to each other, and then two weeks later we could pull up a whole presentation well prepared and with amazing teamwork makes me understand that group work is amazing when you follow all the guidelines that make work. It is great that we help each other, since college is pretty hard already!


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