Kassandra's Chapter 10 Reviews

As we all worked together on this project, it was fun. We all worked as a group and got everything done. We divided the chapter into like twelve of us and worked together. As we put together a powerpoint with pictures, videos, information and very colorful. Everyones presentations were super nice. The class seemed to have worked good together and on their own. Some presentations lacked interactiveness but did not make a huge affect on there powerpoint. I enjoyed the presentations with videos because I like watching something better than listening so someone read off the slide. In fact, it did not let me insert videos but it did let me insert pictures and my information was short but straight to the point. To have been all our first presentation in collage came out extremely good in my opinion. Working together helped a lot and all the group chats that we all have keeps all communicating back and forth always. I felt as the presentation was helpful and beneficial for our learning and practice for our future presentations.

Being in a collage class for someones first semester and not knowing anyone can be super nerve recking. Having to do class or talk in front of a class through a computer camera, can be embarrassing because you do not know if anyone is paying attention or what they are saying behind their computers. I personally was nervous to do my first presentation in collage and in front of other kids I have never met not even in person. I am extremely glad that my presentation went smoothly and I need feel so nervous how I have actually felt before. I was shy and embarrassed to be answering in the group chat or even text anything for help. As I started to interact more I felt more comfortable and less nervous.  I know other people felt the same so it also made me feel comfortable.

My section of the project was in fact not hard at all. I was actually teamed up with a friend of mine from high school. Even in high school we would work together so I knew it would be perfect to be her partner. I felt extremely excited to present my first powerpoint in front of a class of I think twenty some thing kids and feel comfortable with just a little bit of nervousness. I reviewed and checked all three of my slides plenty of times to make sure I did not miss or add to much information to not bore my classmates or professor. Very important, I learned that when you present your information it needs to be done in a manner that is not boring to the audience which will ensure that the message gets across successfully. My part was of Effective meetings, which means how to put together a good and correct meeting for it to be successful. I talked about how to put together a planner for a meeting. How to correctly pick the people you want in your meeting. How to manage the logistics of a meeting. How to speak and present the point you are trying to cross in your meeting. Lastly, completing this project has taught me how to give a good presentation.

I noticed while everyone presented every one was very organized and on track. Some people talked more than others, and others did more videos and talked less. I enjoyed the fact that every one is so different and the varieties of everyone was noticed. Every one was able to do a good presentation mostly because of how well we expressed our opinions and concerns together. I did not feel bored through every ones presentation. I feel as if like every one worked good and fast together. I really liked how everyones slides had lost of different colors, pictures, and videos because I am a very visual person, I like to watch rather than listen. Finally, I feel every one did an excellent job and to all the future presentations to be as good.

To finalize, in my eyes I feel as if this first presentation of groups was super good for all of our firsts. I had fun making my slides look good and putting them together. I felt comfortable knowing I can present and sit here and talk to kids and my professor through my computer camera. I believe that every one that participated and presented had an affect on those in class. The videos watch and speech's talked were great for us all to hear for the first presentation. I hope our next project is as easy to collaborate on and fun to work on as this one was.


  1. Excellent! The next project will be great!!! I am glad you ended up feeling comfortable an enjoying presenting and watching. Very good reflection blog! A


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