Liz Perurena's Reflection

I think the other groups presentations were cohesive and flowed really well. They were well organized and the transitions between the individual slides were good. They were enjoyable to look at and were very easy to engage with. The visuals that they used were fitting and eye catching; they went well with the subject that was being presented and with the themes being used for the slides. Before we started doing our presentations, I was really curious on how the other groups would do theirs. I do not generally enjoy working in groups because it can be a little awkward to rely on other people for your grade and vice versa. However, I did enjoy working together with my group and I did not feel uncomfortable or under too much pressure. Everyone in my group was very nice and they worked  hard on our presentation. I hope they enjoyed working with me just as much as I liked working with them. Visually, the slides of the two other groups looked nice and colorful. The videos that group one and two used were fun and informative. I think that both groups presented their individual subjects clearly and in a way that was easily understandable for others. The information was interesting and I think the groups were able to communicate that in an effective manner. I think the way that group two used a lot of videos for their slides was really efficient. It was a good way to get the information across to the class since videos might be easier to focus on and they can be fun. Using a video was not something that had crossed my mind as a possibility while working on my slides because I was not sure it would be a good fit for the information I was presenting, so it helps for future reference. I really liked working together with the other students in my group and I think we communicated well with each other while creating our slides, but I think that aspect is something that we could still improve on further. Although I wished our slides matched a bit more in the presentation, I still really liked how they turned out. For future presentations, I think that our theme for the slides should be more similar so that they don't look too out of place. It would help make the presentation more visually put together. I also think that we, as well as the two other groups, should try to have less words and add more visual examples like images. This would push us into reading off the screen less and it would make the information we present less flat. I think that it is important for a presentation to be engaging for the people who are viewing it. Using more images to represent the subject could be useful in holding the attention of those who are viewing what we are presenting. We did our slides separately and at different times for the most part, which I think affected the flow of our slides a bit. So, I believe that if we did our slides at similar times, it would improve the cohesion of our presentation both visually and in the way that the information is displayed. Additionally, I think we should practice our presentations with each other a bit more before actually presenting to the whole class. It would be good if we could find some time when most of us can work together for a bit. I believe this would help with the pacing of the presentation, helping us use the time we have in class more efficiently, and it would make what sounds good and what does not more clear to our group. When I was presenting my part in the project, I was nervous and unsure of myself and how I would do. I was not sure that I would be able to communicate my points properly like I wanted to. I feel like the way I talked about the subjects of my slides was a bit rushed and not as clear as I would have liked for it to be. I am still a bit unsure that others in the class were able to understand me well enough. I had not presented anything before an audience since I was in high school, which was two years ago and it was never something that I had much confidence in doing while I was in school. Ever since I graduated, and especially after the pandemic started, the amount of social interaction and public speaking that I engaged with decreased by a lot. It honestly felt a bit strange to be presenting in front of and audience again. It has always been something that I dreaded doing and took a lot of pushing from myself to do. I hope that through this class, I can become more confident and comfortable with speaking in public. I also hope to improve the way that I communicate with other people. I look forward to working with my group more and getting to know them better for the things that we will work on together in the future. I hope that the experience and knowledge that we have gained from our first presentation will help us make our future projects even better than the first one. Overall, I think that all of the groups did a pretty good on their presentations and their slides. I loved listening to the other students present the information about their subjects and I learned a lot from them. Some improvements that we could all implement are more visual examples and less written words, like I wrote before, and I think most of us could use more practice with speaking in public and with presenting information effectively so that others will understand. I believe that through practice and experience in future assignments, this is going to be the class that will help us be more comfortable and familiar with that. 


  1. Very good examples that you used. You are quite right when you say the Pandemic has definitely played a huge part in confidence for students and working people. Very good reflection post! A


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