Kevin Valdes Reflection

     I am glad that all of us in this class came together for this group presentation. I have to say that I do have my share of opinions for all of my classmates. These presentations tested us on how we communicate with each other and how we present our ideas. Nerves are a big part of how we act during our presentations and I feel that this class overcame that very nicely. Our professors do these activities in order to better our presentation and oral communication skills. We as a class and as our own part of groups come together to share ideas and to implement strategies to make our lives easier when we are assigned group tasks. I bet we can all appreciate the work that we did to make these presentations happen and I feel that I am a part of that.

    College is a whole different ball game, it takes a lot of effort to get through and communication is a big part of it. We have classes like this to help us better ourselves. Many of us have our share of problems with nervousness, shyness, and many other examples. These group presentations that we did show us that we can overcome said hardships and we can do it. Everyone here has their shot, and all we need is the push for it. I am grateful for this opportunity to share my thoughts about this presentation and I hope you all who read enjoy my post. I also have to say that this was a great set of presentations. Everyone had something unique about their presentations and it shows that everyone here has what it takes.

    The first group and their presentation was in my opinion the setting ground. This presentation is the foundation, if they pull it off they are motivation the other groups, if they don't succeed it can lead to demotivation and a little more anxiety for the other groups. I was particularly worried at first knowing that this was our first presentation, but these guys were probably worse than everyone else in terms of the pressure being applied to them. The moment I see them present I knew that they were prepared, they all did a wonderful job in presenting their individual slides and they kept my attention on them. They had their topics set on culture and communication, and cultural identity. The slides were very detailed, and they knew exactly what they were talking about. This presentation gave me a bit of hope for us and our group because it showed us that we can do it too. I applaud this group for their effort and their success with their presentation. It truly shows that if you come together as a group it can go a long way to success. 

    Second group was the group that had to keep the momentum going. After seeing the first group some people would get motivated, and others not so much. Imagine seeing someone perform amazing in like a talent show, then you get called up next and wonder, "Do I have what it takes to top that?". Some people have those pessimistic thoughts but it certainly wasn't group 2. They followed up with their presentation in an extravagant manner. Slides were precisely detailed, good imagery, great speaking. They really held consistent momentum going into these presentations and I am pretty sure after looking at them I can tell that we can do it. I am big on motivation and this really helped me ease up my nerves when it was our group's turn. This group went over one part which I thought was very interesting. Which is the possibility of conflict within a group. I can tell you I have my experiences of being pulled in to conflict within groups and it isn't the best experience, I can tell you that. These guys certainly were ready for it and I appreciate their effort for making this presentation interesting and enjoying to watch. 

    Finally, my group, group 3. Our group was ready to present, I had my slides ready to present and I wasn't nervous at all. I knew what I was talking about and I was ready to present. All of my teammates were ready to go and we gave it our best shot. I believe our section was probably the shortest but we made sure that we didn't slack on it. We split our sections between our group and it ended up working real smoothly. Our first presenter showed us about leadership and 3 different categories for it. Our next section was about effective meeting strategies. We finished up with communicating group solutions. Overall I think my group did an excellent job and I believe we did our presentation to the best of our ability.

    After the presentations I felt really good about it. It wasn't anything too scary or like that but it did put me in a spot where I didn't feel comfortable with at first. After seeing the first groups present it really did make me feel better. I guess that is part of being the last group to present. Anyways I am glad I had such great teammates and I feel that we are great at what we do. I loved these presentations, and I think that doing more of these is really interesting. I would like to try different ways of going for it, but overall I think doing these presentations is really fun. I hope we can do more of these presentations, and I look forward to working with my classmates on these assignments. 



  1. Awesome!! I am so glad you are looking forward to more presentations. Excellent Post reflection!! A


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