Jashua Rivero Reflection

    Working with a group is often very challenging in college. Nevertheless, learning to work well with others is important for anyone who plans on getting a career. One of the main things my group did well was working together. Our meetings and group chat were extremely productive, and every group member promptly completed their assigned sections. My group members and I were able to do a good presentation mostly because of how well we worked together. After being assigned the project, we immediately began dividing sections to one another and seeing who would do what section. When we first got assigned into groups, I did not know anybody and I was nervous and a little shy and I was scared people were not going to do their part of the project, but everything turned out well. Each of our group members did the project and we were assigned Chapter 10 we had to each read two or three sections and then summarize it into a PowerPoint with pictures and a few sentences or video's. I chose pictures and sentences since it was easier for me to do, and I could better explain it. A few of us added videos but mostly people did pictures in our group. My section was mostly on Systematic problem solving. I was kind of nervous when I had to present but after I presented it was bad at all. I learned a lot about each different presentation, and I really enjoyed the videos because I learned new things and it was simple to understand, and it was explained in an understanding way. What I liked about my group was they were helpful, and we would help one another out. I really like how we were communicative and understanding I was not expecting that at all. At the time I had not gotten my book yet and one of the members was nice enough to send me all the pages for the section I needed to do so I would be able complete my section for the project. Another Member also helped me understand the project more because I was confused about somethings, and she set up a meeting and was able to help me understand more what I needed to do. She explained step by step and answered all my questions that I asked to better understand what was needed for the project. She also gave me some ideas for the section I was assigned in the group and was very helpful. We also made a whatsapp group chat to keep in contact with each other. I had a very exciting time getting to know my group better and working with them and be helpful. Before the presentation I checked my work multiple times like for example to check for any misspelled words or errors and make sure it made sense to me. I also skimmed through my groups work to make sure everything was correct as well to make sure we got a good grade for the presentation. Also, we each had to do 2 sections with three slides because our chapter was divided into 5 sections. Completing this project has taught me how to give a good presentation. Perhaps most importantly I learned that when you present your information it is not that bad, and it is not bad after all.  As a result of our good collaboration, we were able to find plenty of information to support our argument. This experience taught us to take advantage of each group members individual strengths when working as a team. Being a good presenter can require you that you prepare well before you present and practice learning what you wrote in the PowerPoint. Practicing how to work well with others made this project extremely worth it for myself and my fellow group members. When presenting I tend to speak very quickly. During this presentation when I noticed myself talking not as quick, so I learned that I was not that nervous during the presentation. what makes me the most nervous is when I must speak in front of others by reading something I have written or completed. In the group presentation I was not as nervous since I was not alone in speaking to the class, but on the speech I did I was overcome with anxiety. This PowerPoint though, was both difficult and interesting for the reasons of being assigned group members not of my own choosing, learning to listen to others ideas which can help me to learn something new, and using former knowledge while working together to create a clean, in depth, and well prepared presentation. Although I feel that I did an adequate job on the group project one of the most important skills that I desperately need to improve on is learning to not get shy or nervous while presenting in class. Being able to talk in front of others is my biggest setback, but I am certain that with enough practice, patience, and preparation I will be able to calmly give a speech over any subject and overcome my shyness, nervousness and sometimes anxiety. There are so many much more things I can improve on such as my grammar and learning more vocabulary and bigger words to use for my presentations to be able to not use small words. Trying my hardest to work hard to always understand the topic I am assigned and improving on my sentences is mostly what I need to improve on to be able to do the work way much easier. Also, always providing support and help to my fellow group members whenever they are struggling with the assignment or need help with ideas to come up with on the PowerPoint or helping them with spelling checks or grammar issues. This project helped me learned a lot and definitely helped me improve to overcome my shyness and anxiety and nervousness that I. had I was not expecting to be shy at all I was glad I was able to do the PowerPoint without being nervous.


  1. Well you did awesome! I am so glad you felt comfortable. Very nice post and reflection! A

  2. excellent blog post. I am so happy you are having a great experience with your group members!


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