
Showing posts from November, 2021

Rolando Rodriguez Fernandez Blog #2

  Gender Inequality, infrastructure, Climate Change Reflection After six days of presentations, I feel like the second round of presentations have improved from the last ones. The groups were more organized and the information that was presented was without a doubt more in-depth. Almost all the groups had more than 20 slides with their own story and explanation behind it. Information and facts that most of us didn’t know were explain flawlessly. As we all presented our own topics everyone did an amazing job even though we weren’t giving a lot of time we all came together and did an amazing job once again. The three topics that were discussed were: Gender Inequality, Climate Change, and Infrastructure. Topics such as these can normally have a ton of information and tons of research behind them. What I personally was worried about was the interviews. It’s not easy getting someone that is knowledgeable and has the time to give out of their day for a school presentation. To my surprise all

Liz Perurena Blog #2

When we were preparing for our presentation, I was a bit nervous that I was going to mess my part up in some way. I am still not very comfortable with speaking in public, but I am really glad and I believe that I improved slightly from last presentation. I still have a lot of improvement to make to the the way that I give my information to others. For our team's next presentation, I want to personally focus on speaking a bit slower and more clearly. I would like to stutter less and I think that is something that will get better with more experience. I feel that this will help me improve the delivery of the information and help the audience understand me more. While we were gathering the information for our section, which was an overview of the history of gender inequality, I found a lot of interesting things that were related to the subject and that I wanted to talk about in the presentation. It was kind of difficult to decide what information should be included and which informati

Liudys Muniz Blog #2

  Doing this project was the most unforgettable experience I have ever had for different reasons. When I started this class, I realized that all the students were people born here in the United States, so their first language is English. On the other hand, I was born in Cuba, and I arrived in this country as an adult to study English and continue with my education. Secondly, you can tell how united this group is, I picked group # 3, where we discuss everything related to Gender Inequality. I did the part of gender inequality that applies in family and business, which was easy for me, just summarizing the content, adapting it to the power point that the group leader had prepared and adding a video. I put a video about what Orpha Winfred thought about gender inequality.      Gender inequality has been decreasing in the United States throughout its history, with major progress toward equality beginning in the early 1900s. Despite this progress, gender inequality persists in the United S

John Rosales Blog#2

This new presentation was interesting and different than the first one we had presented due to many new things we had to discuss about the topic at hand. Our first presentation was not fully finished unlike this second one. We learned how to express and talk to our classmates without being super nervous and scared and were able to communicate our ideas easier. I was able to explain pictures that I had set up for my presentation which lead to people understanding my point of view way easier. We gained experience from our very first presentation which made everything easier and less nerve racking. I feel that my group which was group 3 did a great job at putting this presentation together relating to the topic at hand. We all worked together and were able to really explain gender inequality to my other classmates in a very detailed manner, not to mention we had a few interviews which helped see different point of views regarding this project.     Gender inequality is something that is a

Kevin Valdes Blog #2

 After the first couple of presentations that we did, I was fairly confident in the fact that everyone would do better on these presentations that just happened. We all reviewed our past presentations together as a class and gave us constructive criticism on what we did poorly. While also giving positive feedback on what we did great. Our group had our share of problems but we did pull through together to present something adequate for our class. We managed our time well, we researched our topic thoroughly and fixed up our PowerPoint presentation to fit the theme. After presenting last week, I felt that we did way better than last time. We were more prepared for it and we delivered it solidly. Everyone in our group did their parts properly and it went pretty smooth.  The topic that I was assigned was U.S vs World Perspective on gender inequality. This topic was a little more challenging in my opinion because we have to find actual perspectives from all sorts of different people and cul

Kassandra River Blog #2

    This presentation was very different than the very first one. Our first presentation was rusty in the sense that it was not as detailed and defined as this second one. We learned to not be shy and talk to our classmates. In my case I interacted with another classmate for the first time. Having to talk to someone else for the first time is nerve wrecking for me. We gained experience from our very first presentation which was helpful. I feel that my group did a great job at putting this presentation together. We all worked together and had no problems in the 2-3 weeks we had to make this powerpoint happen.     Our presentation topic was about gender inequality. Gender inequality is something that is not fair in this world. We presented about different types of scenarios in the world. Many people believe in gender inequality and others do not. Some people support gender inequality and other people are against it.      I got to share my section with Liudys and I believe we did a great

Michelle Orozco-Blog #2

  In comparison to the first presentations, we did I’m fairly certain that everyone got to learn and grow from the last time we did this. Not only did we all gain experience, but we also received feedback on how we can better our next presentations. Regarding teamwork, I think our group was pretty organized, there may have been some exceptions but nothing too drastic There may have been slight differences but at the end it all worked out. Every group is going to have their problems now and then. There weren’t any disagreements to the point of a fight, which I would consider to be successful teamwork. I think everyone did a great job organizing and presenting their part of the presentation. The only thing we might have to work on is time management because there might’ve been a few people who weren’t ready the night before, sadly this includes me. I always make sure to have my information researched but putting the PowerPoint together is what takes up my time. As long as everything was

Gender Inequality Reflection

  Jashua Rivero Gender Inequality Fourteen days in the wake of doing our presentation   and in the way of seeing different groups introductions too, I can infer that the presentation that we did was very acceptable, in addition to the fact that we had less opportunity and still concocted a lot of research for the subject, and a strong pair of slides, however we additionally had a decent synchronization between everybody, we as a whole knew what we expected to do and we did it the most ideal way imaginable. Notwithstanding, I would lie on the off chance that I said that I believe it's ideal, it is clearly not, truth be told, there's something explicit that, thinking back, I would change for better. I’m glad that my group is organized with the work and is responsible with completing assignments. But a week before the presentation the difference in the progress between some of our partners was not completing the work.   In fact, there were several times that one part of the presen

A New Perspective (Blog #2)

A New Perspective Two weeks after doing our presentation, and after seeing the other groups presentations as well, I can conclude that the presentation that we did was pretty good, not only did we have less time and still came up with a good amount of reliable research for the topic, and a solid pair of slides, but we also had a good synchronization between everyone, we all knew what we needed to do and we did it the best way possible. However, I would be lying if I said that I think it's perfect, it is obviously not, in fact, there’s one specific thing that, looking back, I would change for good.                                             That thing is  the messy organization , I am not trying to throw “shade” on anyone, in fact, I’m glad that my group has some kind of “order” at least, but a week before the presentation the difference in the progress between some of our partners was abysmal. In fact, there were several times that one part of the presentation was totally fini