Kevin Valdes Blog #2

 After the first couple of presentations that we did, I was fairly confident in the fact that everyone would do better on these presentations that just happened. We all reviewed our past presentations together as a class and gave us constructive criticism on what we did poorly. While also giving positive feedback on what we did great. Our group had our share of problems but we did pull through together to present something adequate for our class. We managed our time well, we researched our topic thoroughly and fixed up our PowerPoint presentation to fit the theme. After presenting last week, I felt that we did way better than last time. We were more prepared for it and we delivered it solidly. Everyone in our group did their parts properly and it went pretty smooth. 

The topic that I was assigned was U.S vs World Perspective on gender inequality. This topic was a little more challenging in my opinion because we have to find actual perspectives from all sorts of different people and cultures on gender inequality. I have always known that gender inequality exists in some parts due to religion but in some other countries that wouldn't be the case at all. I'm glad I got put into this topic because it made me more aware about different stances in the world about gender inequality. I can definitely say that this was an interesting topic to present and my favorite part about researching this topic was when I researched about countries with the highest wage gaps in the European Union. It was very interesting and a little surprising to see which country was at the top of the list. I hope that the wage gap weakens in that country by better politicians and new policies regarding women's wage. 

The first presenters, which was group 3 or lets just call it my group, I believe did a fantastic job in gathering information. We could have worked a little in our presentation skills but I believe the information we provided was accurate. We gave our topics a lot of room to work with and my partners provided this information without being misleading or all over the place with the information. In our presentations I feel though even it was early in the morning and maybe a little nervousness coming from the group. I think that we could've done way better with the way we presented. For example, some of our class mates had monotone voices and I feel that it just makes the presentation a little less captivating. We have to share our voices more and make sure everyone is paying their attention to us speakers. I believe that in our next presentations we can definitely improve our presentation skills and it will be a lot better than these presentations. I for myself think I did well but I did stumble on a few words and I can practice on that so it won't happen again. 

The Second presentation on Climate change was probably my favorite of the bunch just because I am deeply interested in that topic. I greatly appreciate that this topic was put into our requirements because I wanted to see what information was out there that I didn't know and how they provided it. I believe that the way they presented those TED talks was good but I wish they could've brought something fresh from the presenter side. It would've been way more interesting to see someone from our class bring out information and elaborate on that info by their own way of speaking. It would be a very great way to show your presentation skills. Maybe a little more passion in the presentations so the presentation can have more impact on the audience. Overall the presentation for climate change was nice, I think they did well on information and use of videos.

Last presentation was about infrastructure, I am also interested a little on infrastructure so I was very eager to see what information they could give me. I was pleased to say that this was a great presentation. The presenters were on point speaking well, the information was there, just a great presentation. Some of the speakers were a little bit monotone but they ended up pulling through by knowing what they are talking about. Having knowledge about your topic is a great weapon to push through the presentation. They took use of that information and boasted it with confidence. A great job to the infrastructure presenters. 

Introductions and conclusions to presentations are very important. It is great to have an attention grabber on introductions and a solid ending for a conclusion. Every presentation did well on conclusions but I feel that on introductions we can introduce the class much better. More attention grabbers, maybe a funny video relating to the topic. Anything can really work as long as the audience's attention is captivated by the topic. Everyone did much better than the first presentations and I see that we all have our improvements, it was great!


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