Michelle Orozco-Blog #2


In comparison to the first presentations, we did I’m fairly certain that everyone got to learn and grow from the last time we did this. Not only did we all gain experience, but we also received feedback on how we can better our next presentations. Regarding teamwork, I think our group was pretty organized, there may have been some exceptions but nothing too drastic There may have been slight differences but at the end it all worked out. Every group is going to have their problems now and then. There weren’t any disagreements to the point of a fight, which I would consider to be successful teamwork. I think everyone did a great job organizing and presenting their part of the presentation. The only thing we might have to work on is time management because there might’ve been a few people who weren’t ready the night before, sadly this includes me. I always make sure to have my information researched but putting the PowerPoint together is what takes up my time. As long as everything was done the day of, I’m not complaining as to what was done to get there. Other than time management I think that everything else ran by smoothly in our group. We all worked as a group and got our presentation finished and prepared.

The topic I learned the most about would obviously be the topic I was given to research which was gender inequality. I got to research the meaning behind gender inequality, important events, milestones, etc. I’ve always known what gender inequality was but never the history behind it. This presentation gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge on this topic. I got to learn about all about these important women that got us to where we are now, though at this time and age gender inequality is still present. My favorite thing that I got to research were the women who stood up for our rights. I got to read all bout them, who they were as a person and the event that occurred. One thing that they all had in common was their bravery and their determination to fight. Without them I don’t know where us women would stand. It breaks my heart that we had to and are still fighting for even the simplest rights like voting or even the rights to our own bodies. Gender inequality never really went away, it just got updated. Before it was the fact that we couldn’t vote and now it’s the fact that we can’t make decisions regarding our own bodies.

The first presenters, which was my group, I believe did very well on both the information and presenting aspect. We included so much information about our topic and dove into the topic to research subtopics that add to the general conversation. What I would change about the way I organized my part of the presentation was the amount of information and how it was sorted. Our topic was interesting to those who want to learn more about the topic, however that isn’t everyone. I feel that I added too much information onto the actual PowerPoint itself because of this, the audience can feel bored. I believe I also should’ve added more interactive Ness to the presentation to fix that problem. Not everyone is going to pay attention but maybe if I were to add polls or games then it can help. I also want to improve my tone when I’m presenting, instead of it feeling like I’m just giving facts in a monotone voice I want to make it feel like a conversation to those listening. To the others in my group, they included so very important information in a variety of ways. One specific way that I saw was adding videos. To visual learners this is an effective way to share information.

The Second presentation about Climate change was also very interesting. First off Climate change was always a topic I never understood so I’m glad it was one of the topics discussed. I now have a clear understanding of what it is. Regarding the presentations I think it was also done very well. There were a lot of ted talks introduced and honestly, I think ted talks are an amazing way to inform someone about a topic. They usually have the best information and by credible people as well. Not only were there ted talks but of course there were people speaking on the topic. I liked that they established what they were speaking about and then backed it up suing a ted talk to further our understanding. This is a smart way to make sure everyone is understanding everything. It helped me. Though I think the presentations were done amazing I think speaking in a monotone voice does do negative things for the presentation. I’ve noticed a couple of people speaking this way, I’m not one to judge considering I do this too but it’s something we all should work on to make our presentations more enjoyable.

Then the last presentation which was about infrastructure. I’m not going to lie I’m not very interested in infrastructure, so it was a hard topic to stay focused on. Though I wasn’t very interested I did learn about the different types and evolution of infrastructure which furthers my knowledge in general! In this presentation I do feel the people were more talkative and more awake. Which helped me stay focused. This presentation also included several ted talks which I enjoyed watching.

Lastly. the introduction and conclusion of all the presentations were done very well. It helped me get a sense of what was going to be discussed before and a recap of everything after. I can’t speak for everyone else but knowing a little bit about the topic before receiving tons of information about it makes it easier to process. Overall, I believe the presentations have been improved and stronger. Though there’s always little things we can all work on.


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