Kassandra River Blog #2

    This presentation was very different than the very first one. Our first presentation was rusty in the sense that it was not as detailed and defined as this second one. We learned to not be shy and talk to our classmates. In my case I interacted with another classmate for the first time. Having to talk to someone else for the first time is nerve wrecking for me. We gained experience from our very first presentation which was helpful. I feel that my group did a great job at putting this presentation together. We all worked together and had no problems in the 2-3 weeks we had to make this powerpoint happen.

    Our presentation topic was about gender inequality. Gender inequality is something that is not fair in this world. We presented about different types of scenarios in the world. Many people believe in gender inequality and others do not. Some people support gender inequality and other people are against it. 

    I got to share my section with Liudys and I believe we did a great job. We communicated and did the best we could to make this presentation happen the best we could. Our part of the presentation was about teachers, family, clergy, business people and other responses and opinions. We divided it in between both of us to make it fair. My partner and I each got 3 of the topics we had to do and wrote about them and included pictures and videos.

    The first group the present this time around was our group. It was safe to say that my groups presentation was really good and on point on every topic that we were assigned to talk on. We included so much information about our topic and dove into the topic to research subtopics that add to the general conversation. I also want to be able to paraphrase what I type instead of reading the entire thing of my slide on my next presentation. The group that presented about climate change also did really good and I feel as if they talked about everything they had to. They were straight to the point and talked about the main stuff. The last group to present about infrastructure also did a good job on their presentation but hard to focus when never heard about that topic. They got me to understand more a less what it was about and the pictures were somewhat understanding.

    In conclusion, I believe we all did a great job at our second presentation. We might need some work on not being that shy and talking a little more. All our presentations were straight to the point and nobody went off track and were good. Our groups worked together and made our second presentation and successful and super good presentation. Onto our next and maybe last presentation. 


  1. Very good! I hope for the persuasion presentations to bring everyone out and excited to speak!


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